Changing lives one community at a time


We empower disadvantaged communities through Digital Creative Innovations and Business Incubation.


To create a pool of highly innovative entrepreneurs derived from disadvantaged communities in the continent to become global players in the digital creative economy.


Bridge the digital and gender divide through technology, innovation, and business incubation interventions.
Unlock the value and opportunities through creating awareness within the digital creative industries.
Introduce creative industries as a lucrative business opportunity and career.
Leverage on existing ecosystems to sustain start-up entrepreneurs.
Drive research and development in the digital creative sector.


Customer-first – Creating a lift as you rise atmosphere
Ubuntu – It takes a village
Respect – It all starts with the self
Integrity – Personnel with good moral compasses (We are our word)
Optimism – Failure is just an early attempt at success
Unwavering – Constant as the Northern star
Satisfactory – Your success is our success

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Total Impact
Digital Impact
Physical Impact
Trainings conducted