
Business Incubation

We are an ICT business incubator providing developmental processes through which an enabling environment is created and designed to nurture businesses from idea generation to start-up companies. This is done through comprehensive business support, accelerating the businesses toward growth and success. We offer entrepreneurs assistance in various aspects of business operations such as developing a business plan, marketing, financial planning & sales.

The business incubation Programme is up to 24 months and broken down into the following stages:

Seed Stage

6 months pre-incubation process for early-stage start-ups focusing on developing ideas into a business plan (ideation, training, business processes, development, and MVP/ prototype/ beta testing).

Nurture Stage

12 months incubation process focusing on assisting entrepreneurs as they are developed over time, experience, and learning focusing on transforming business plans into a business focusing on getting the first sale where the product is ready for the market (commercialization: production, distribution, marketing, and sales).

Fruition Stage

6 months incubation process focusses on growing the market and preparing the start-ups for exit and graduation into the alumni programme for sustainable businesses.

Value Proposition

The diagram below outlines the value proposition which is modeled around the products and services that we offer which include but are not limited to operational facilities. Our facilities are equipped with excellent internet coverage as well as high-tech equipment:

With our dedicated team’s skillsets and experience, we assist incubatees with ideation refinement and business model assessment. We offer incubatees the use of our facilities to use as their office where they have access to the operational values and what the team cannot assist with, we lobby in strategic partners to assist.

Main focus areas for
business incubation

Coding/ Programming

Digital Art & Animation

Virtual/ Augmented Reality


Umbocoder is a platform through which we consciously drive programmes to interest the participation of women in the identified sector. This program is designed to redress the digital absence of women in the ICT sector.  Through this platform, we have hosted 3 installments of the Worldwide Women in Innovation, Incubation, and Technology Summit (W-WIITS).

Did You know

  • Women make up just 11% of the developer workforce.
  • Gender diversity in the ICT sector has a higher potential for creativity, innovation, and productivity.
  • “The lack of participation of females in computing excludes them from the new economy, which calls for sophisticated computer skills in exchange for high salary positions.” (- Gender and Computers: Understanding the Digital Divide

Drone Economy

This program is premised on the inclusion of the marginalized groups, skilling, empowerment and conducting match-making projects between start-up entrepreneurs and the drone industry. We aim to contribute to the transformation of this industry.

We serve as an incubator and accelerator resource for various partners in this growing industry. We also offer market linkage with the relevant people in the industry to get you off the ground.

We believe that South Africa’s capacity to rollout the industry is under-explored. As such our strategic objective is to vigorously conduct match-making projects between drone industry startups and established operators.

Drone Diva

An initiative by AB4IR in partnership with Goethe Institute, it is a women-only drone training programme. The training programme is for township-based women between the ages of 18 and 35 offering both theory and practical training in drone operation, coding, cinematography, and introduction to entrepreneurship including design thinking and business model canvas.