
Before Renovations

This is how we found the space we (including our SMMEs) call home. All it took was a little tender, love, care and some funding.

Co-Working Space

This space is office space you share with others, with infrastructure and services like high-speed internet already set up. This makes for a more affordable than traditional office space. The Space is open to all incubates and start-up’s and it is easily accessible to everybody, it is the heart of the centre.


Our auditorium is equipped for lectures and it technologically ready as it has a smartboard which people who are attending the lecture can show their work without moving from their seat and connecting with it wirelessly whether presentation , productions or any form of work. This is a space of innovation and to get people motivated.

Meeting Room

Our meeting room is a space which is set aside for our incubatees and start-ups to host their meeting with clients and colleagues without any traffic or disturbance that occurs in the co-working space.


This is the space used by AB4IR to conduct meetings with potential sponsors, investor and used to interview incubatees and start-ups. The boardroom will also include a smart board to conduct virtual meetings with other companies as we source out opportunities for our incubates and start-ups.


This space is open to kids, adults, and entrepreneurs, it has a variety of maker equipment including 3D printers, laser cutters, cnc machines, high end programming computers for gaming and animation.

Animation and Gaming center

Where all the magic of Animation and Game design happens. From the creating of Animation Characters to the background of the games we play, it all has to start from one stage going to the end product. The space has been setup in such a manner that “The Creative Juices” keep flowing, with inspiration coming from the walls and the floor, the space is designed to deliver a rush of creative stimulation. Let’s assume you are not creative, you are still more than welcome to step in to blow off some steam by playing on our high-tech gaming consoles and High-end Gaming PCs

Computer Lab

This is a learning space for all AB4IR Students in training. Home to the minds that are being shaped in Information Technology skills, and those who are currently growing as Entrepreneurs.