Digital Art & Animation
Digital Art
What is Digital Art?
Art made using software, computers, or other electronic devices. Anything produced or made on digital media, such as animations, photographs, illustrations, videos, digital paintings, and such can be classified as digital art.
Digital art and animation bootcamp
The DAAB is an initiative by AB4IR in partnership with Digital Canvas Academy, that is aimed at empowering the youth with arts and animation skills. The boot camp’s cover the following topics:
- Introduction to digital/gesture drawings
- Digital sketching and painting
- Still life painting: colour, light, and shading
- Painting portraits
- Introduction to animation/digital art entrepreneurship
- Animating a Google Doodle [process]
- Project brief/ storyboard [with a topic for each respective bootcamp]
- Business Model Canvas
- Pitching and presentation
- Exhibition and showcasing
As AB4IR our aim is to build a thriving animation industry in Africa by encouraging the youth of South Africa to bring their imagination to life through animation, create employment for the youth, and generate wealth creation opportunities. Our facilities provide aspiring animators with the necessary high technology equipment, skills, tools, mentorship, and platforms to create stories inspired by the African narrative and share with the world.
We aim not only to create and develop animators that will not only tell African stories through animation, but we offer them market linkage with the relevant stakeholders and individuals in the animation industry to get recognized for the quality of their animation work and for them to own their creative IP’s.